Thursday, September 5, 2024
Ellicott City, MD - Castro Valley, CA - Seoul, Korea - Castro Valley, CA - Ellicott City, MD
September 5, 2024
Peace and Good,
As you can see in the title of this blog, I have been travelling a bit. I went to South Korea to be with our friars during their pre-chapter assembly. Before I finished my role as Assistant General, I did a canonical visitation of that province. This means I spoke with every member of the province and produced a report on how I saw things going. They are now getting ready for their provincial chapter, and they discussed all of the reports (including mine) to get some ideas of the topic which they had to treat at the coming chapter.
The trip is very long, so I broke it up a bit, coming into Castro Valley (Oakland) and staying a there on the way out and the way back. This was a very good idea, because the trip from SFO (San Francisco Airport) to Seoul was 12 1/2 hours on the way in and 11 hours on the way back.
I am in the midst of jet lag right now. There is a 13 hour difference in time zones between here and there.
Covid is breaking out badly there, but I don't think I have contracted it. The next couple of days will tell, but I did get a booster before I headed out.
It was hot, hot, hot there as well as humid. I ended up doing most of my daily walks in the dining room in the retreat center where we met.
The friars were great to me. I really like them and the work that they are doing. They have a good variety of work - parishes, retreat centers, school for handicapped children, home for mentally challenged men, home for the elderly, etc.
I finished some reading and listening:
Maimonides: the Life and World on One of Civilization’s Greatest Minds by Joel Kraemer
This is a long and detailed account of the life and career (doctor, leader of the Jewish community in Egypt, compiler of the law of Israel, philosopher, etc.) of the Jewish sage who was born in Spain, fled to Morocco when there was a persecution against the Jews by some Muslim conquerors, and then to Egypt where he became one of the personal physicians to Saladin and other Muslim rulers and their families. The book is very informative but at times a bit technical when it comes to questions of Jewish law.
Who was Jesus by N.T. Wright
I think a better title for this book is “Who Jesus wasn’t.” The author examines a number of theories that have come out in recent years concerning Jesus, and he basically tears them to pieces. He is a middle road theologian who reasons very well both from the text and from what is logical. I would very much like to read some of his other books.
A History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs through the Romans by Eric Cline
This is an overview of the archaeology and history of ancient Israel. It is a course from Modern Scholars. Cline is very respectful to the text of the Hebrew Bible, but he allows archaeological discoveries to question what is written (in a very respectful manner). This is a fine course for someone to better understand why things were written as they were and what probably actually happened in those days.
Rome Last Citizen: the Life and Legacy of Cato by Rob Goodman
This is a well written biography of Cato the Younger. He followed the example of Cato the Elder, his great grandfather. He was a Stoic, famous for his asceticism (and yet he was known to have been a significant drinker). He was the voice of ancient virtue, but he was incapable of compromise, so much of what he argued was lost by his intransigence. He was a sworn enemy first of Pompei, and then when he came to view Caesar as the more dangerous enemy, of him.
Margaret Thatcher: A Modern Leader by Amy Edwards
This is a short teaching company course on the life and career of Margaret Thatcher. She was a formidable woman. In fact, it was said of her government that she was the only true man in the cabinet. Some of her economic reforms in Great Britain were sorely needed, some were heartless and poorly planned. She did mark a turning point in the way the country was governed.
The Ancient Lydians by Charles River Editors
This is the story of a tribal unit from ancient Libya who threatened and eventually blended with the Egyptian land. Their story shows how complicated the determination of where one people began and the other left off could be.
Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico by Charles River Editors
This is the tragic story of a prince of the Holy Roman Empire who allowed himself to be talked into becoming emperor of Mexico by the Emperor of France, Napoleon III. He was told that he would be well accepted, but these were lies. After a couple years of civil war, he was overthrown and executed, while his empress, Carlotta, lost her mind for most of the rest of her rather long life.
The Passover Haggadah by Vanessa Ochs
The Haggadah is the book which is used for the celebration of Passover. Ochs gives a history of the book, especially when they came to be accompanied by artwork. She speaks of various Haggadahs that were produced for special purposes (e.g. to commemorate the Holocaust, for feminists, for gays, etc.). The book is OK but not much more than that.
One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic: A History of the Church in the Middle Ages by Thomas Madden
This is a Modern Scholar presentation of the Church from the time of the Roman until the 15th century. The professor gives a very balanced presentation, neither exaggerating the holiness of the Church nor letting it be seen as a constant cesspool of corruption. I would recommend this course.
The Spanish Mystics: Ecstasy and Communion by Peter Tyler
This is a relatively short presentation on the mystical theology of St. Theresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. Rather than presenting them as people who were constantly in ecstasy, Tyler shows how they tied their experiences to a strong commitment to service (especially of the poor). Interesting is Tyler’s mention of the Muslim and Jewish belief of one’s spiritual life as a type of castle, an image used in Theresa own book.
The World of George Orwell by Michael Shelden
This is a tremendous presentation on the life and writings of George Orwell, the author of 1984 and Animal Farm. The professor teaching this course (from Modern Scholar) does not use stereotypic ideas about him, but carefully investigates his beliefs and how others twisted what he believed and wrote. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in Orwell.
Viracocha by Charles River Editors
This is a short presentation on the major god of the Inca people and how they caused the peoples they conquered to worship him (while they were allowed to keep their own deities. It speaks of the history of the Inca empire, from its earliest days as little more than a city state until it had become an enormous rich empire. Finally, it speaks about the Spanish conquest of the empire through the conquistador Pizzaro.
Have a good week.
fr. Jude
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Ellicott City
August 18, 2024
Peace and Good,
Things have begun to get a bit busy in the last couple of weeks. I have been asked to be available to spiritual direction, and I have been asked by a good number of people to do that. It has been a real joy to me. I get to share spiritual ideas with people dealing with their concrete circumstances. It is such a privilege.
Likewise, I have been assigned to listen to confessions in the Shrine quite a bit in these days. Some of those confession periods are amongst the best I have ever celebrated since I was ordained.
On the Assumption, I was the celebrant at the Shrine. After Mass, we had a break out session for those who wished to attend on the Life of Mary as seen in the New Testament. It was followed by a question and answer period. It very very, very well. I submitted a possible schedule for other adult ed sessions this fall on the Gospel of Luke (which is the Gospel for Sundays of this coming year), the concept of the Holy Year, and the Book of Revelation.
I have also been participating in a Bible Study group (on the readings of the coming Sunday) with a group from Alexandria, VA (by zoom). I am with them about an hour. It has been great, especially considering the rich Gospels these weeks on the Bread of Life.
This Tuesday I am heading to South Korea for a pre-chapter assembly. I had done a visitation of the province for our Minister General, and now they are meeting to prepare the work of their provincial chapter. It is always good to listen to the observations of an outsider to get perspective on what is going on. I will fly to Oakland and stay at one of our friaries for a day to give myself a bit of a rest, and then fly off to Seoul. I will follow the same pattern on the way back. My strength has largely returned, but I don't want to push it too much.
I finished some reading and listening:
The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine
Amy-Jill Levine is a professor who is Jewish in her background, and this provides her with ample information concerning the Jewishness of Jesus. She attempts to study some of the more difficult sayings of Jesus. At times, her insights are very useful, but at other times it comes down to the phrase that she wouldn’t like God or Jesus to be like this or that.
Dante and His Divine Comedy by Timothy Shutt
This is an overview of the Divine Comedy. The author begins his presentation by speaking of the life, career, and exile of Dante from his native city of Florence. He then goes through Dante’s epic chapter by chapter. It is a complicated poem, and Shutt’s study is also complicated. The Divine Comedy is almost the sort of book that one would have to study with the most ample number of footnotes to explain the subtle references Dante is making to theology, this own society, individuals, and references to other classical works.
1774: the Long Year of Revolution by Mary Beth Norton
This book is by an author who wrote of the point of the British loyalists in America at the start of the American Revolution. This is clear in her portrayal of the reaction of people to the growing tension between the colonies and the mother country. In spite of our foundation myth, there was considerable pressure to resolve the issue peacefully and to find a way to lessen the influence of the more radical movement in the country.
Conflicts that Shaped Pharaonic Egypt by John Darnell
This is a history of Egypt from its earliest days and the first Pharaoh of a united kingdom until the end of Pharaonic power under Cleopatra and the conquest of the Romans. The professor works hard to show how upper Egypt (southern Egypt) was more influential in the development of the country than was lower Egypt (especially the Delta). He sees the Delta as a source of difficulties for it was where foreign invaders could enter.
Now I Know Geography by Max Lewis
This is only a short but entertaining presentation of oddities of geography throughout the world. There are towns that appear on maps that don’t exist, there are island nations that are all but destitute and survive on payments to adopt certain positions at the UN, there are sites of one state that are enclaves completely surrounded by other states, etc.
The Invention of Russia by Arkady Ostrovsky
This is an account of the period between the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of Vladimir Putin and how plutocrats who owned TV networks shaped the dialog between those who wanted to return to a more secure era (Communism), those who wanted to profit on the confusion, and those who wanted to create a new Russia.
The Dead Sea Scrolls: the Truth Behind the Mystique by Lawrence Schiffman
This is a Modern Scholar presentation on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Like any course on this topic, it speaks of the discovery of the scrolls after World War II. It presents information about the culture of the Jewish world at the time that these scrolls were produced and placed in the caves around Qumran. It asks what the background of the Qumran community was. It speaks of the relationship between the origins of Christianity and these scrolls. Finally, the professor speaks of the silly conspiratorial theories that he has heard concerning the scrolls.
Mind, Brain, Behavior by Kevin Corcoran
This is a study from Learn25 on the role of the brain and how it relates to the mind and the person. Corcoran speaks of oddities of how the brain works and what these tells us. It asks question of whether the mind is simply the functioning of the various complicated parts of the brain, or whether the person exists even without the mind, and also whether there is a possibility of the mind and person existing after death.
The Giants of Irish Literature by George O’Brien
This is a study of some of the major Irish authors of the 20th century: Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats, James Joyce and Samuel Beckett. If anything, the presentation, while very informative, guaranteed that I will not spend the time and effort to read these authors’ works. Their use of language and writing is so complicated that it almost becomes an experiment in obfuscation.
The Battle of Flodden by Charles River Editors
This is the story of the climatic battle between the Scots and the English at the beginning of the reign of Henry VIII. The king was actually in France at the time, and he made Catherine of Aragon his vicar and she organized the army that proved tremendously victorious over the Scots who were allies of France at the time. This battle was the beginning of the end for the independence of the Scots.
How to Believe: John Donne by Roz Kaveney
This is a short collection of reflections on the person and poetry of John Donne. The author admits that he is a non-believer, so his Holy Sonnets are difficult for him to understand. Yet, this short book has made me want to read a longer biography and study of Donne.
Unearthing the Past: Paleontology and the History of Life by Jeffrey Martz
This is a study of the science of paleontology and also of its findings about the various eras of life upon the world. It is packed with scientific information, so it would probably be good to listen to it more than once. Yet, I enjoyed the presentation very much.
Islam and the West by Seyyed Hossein Nast
This is a bit of an apologia showing the importance of the cultural contribution that followers of Islam have made throughout the centuries. The professor gives good information, but he is also very prejudiced in his presentation (showing how Islam was always the victim, showing how the followers of Islam were just and kind conquerors while Christians were cruel and ignorant, arguing that the problems in Islam are results of Western colonialization). It would be a much better presentation if he could be more impartial in his presentation.
Have a good week.
fr. Jude
Monday, August 5, 2024
Ellicott City
August 5, 2024
Peace and Good,
I hope everyone is well. The big news here is the heat. It has been in the 90's for over a week now, and Baltimore tends to be very humid. It does cool off enough in the evenings for me to get my walk in.
I have been taping a number of reflections for the scripture readings. I managed to finish a month's worth this past week, which means that I am well into October. That is good, because the friars in Assisi have asked me to write some meditations for them (which I did once before last year). I write them in English and they have them translated into Italian.
I am helping up at the Shrine with confessions and the noon Mass, and at St. Joseph's Nursing Home with Mass about once a week. I really enjoy both of those assignments. Tomorrow we are having a meeting to speak about the future of the Shrine (how to improve its facilities, its program, etc.). I will bring up some suggestions that I have seen over the past months. fr. Gary, who is the director of the Shrine, is very open to new ideas.
At the end of this month, I am flying to Korea for a meeting of the friars of that province. I did the canonical visitation of the friars, and they are now preparing for their provincial chapter. This will be the first really long trip since I was sick, so I am planning to break up the trip in San Francisco for a day going and coming back to rest up a bit.
I finished some books (reading and listening):
Bethlehem and Nazareth by Charles River Editors
This is a short presentation of the two towns which were so important to the life and ministry of Jesus. It gives background historical information, what happened in the days of Jesus, and then what has happened to them throughout the centuries (e.g. under Rome, the Byzantines, the Ottoman Turks, the British, etc.).
Shakespeare: The Seven Major Tragedies by Harold Bloom
This is an overview presented by the Modern Scholar course on the seven tragedies of Shakespeare. The professor gives extensive examples of what he is trying to say with passages taken from the plays. He provides background information which helps one better understand the plays. At times, though, there is the feeling that he is quoting a bit too much, going on and on.
Upon this Rock: A History of the Papacy from Peter to John Paul II by Thomas Madden
This is a Modern Scholar course on the papacy. The professor is honest about the strengths and shortcomings of individual popes and eras in the history of the papacy, he does not use his information to attack anything. His presentation is straight forward and informative.
Behold the Mighty Dinosaur by John Kricher
This is a Modern Scholar presentation of dinosaurs, both in their historic and biological sense, but also in their impact upon culture with modern presentations of dinosaurs in forms that run from science fiction films to cartoons. The professor has a very, very good style of presentation, and I look forward to listening to some of his other courses.
How Catholic Art Saved the Faith by Elizabeth Lev
This is a study of how the Counter-Reformation used art in all of its forms to present its dogmatic message and to combat what it believed were heretical positions proposed by the Protestant reformers. The author speaks of the roles of particular artists, of their overall messages, of their techniques and of the end product of their efforts.
24 Hours in Ancient China by Dr. Yijie Zhuang
This is part of a very good series which deals with the everyday life of people in a particular area at a particular time. It speaks of those in privileged positions, but also of those who are on the outskirts of society. These studies are very entertaining, but also incredibly informative.
Scotland Yard by Charles River Editors
This is the story of the foundation and development of Scotland Yard, the crack detective force in London. It gives an historic outline, but most of the material is the study of a few major cases, including the study of the Jack the Ripper murders.
History Myths Exploded by Jeff Webb and Christopher Fee
These two professors study the various set beliefs of people about individuals or history (e.g. that Lincoln set the slaves free, the role of JFK, etc.) and shows how they are either trustworthy or at other times more spin than reality. The pair prove to be equal opportunity challengers, never holding a set social or political agenda, but rather seeking for the truth as much as we can truly know it.
Old Bones by Preston Douglas and Lincoln Child
An archeologist seeks out the remains of a camp left by the Donner party (and a possible fortune in gold coins) while an FBI agent investigates the strange disappearance of bodily remains of the members of a certain family. While the two parties don’t especially like each other, they prove to be an inventive team for solving the mystery.
From Augustine to Chesterton and Beyond by Michael Higgins
This is a Learn25 course based on a series of autobiographical accounts of the spiritual life of important Christians from the time of Augustine (and his Confession) to the Second World War and the martyrs Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Jesuit Alfred Delp). The presenter is very respectful, although occasionally a bit too effusive in his praise of individuals and their teaching and actions. I would recommend this course highly.
Blitzkrieg by Charles River Editors
This is a short overview of the use of blitzkrieg by the Nazi’s during World War II, especially in Poland and France and Russia. The book speaks of the rearmament of Germany (often in violation of treaties established after World War I), of the governance of the army and Hitler’s growing control of it, of techniques of coordination during the battle between infantry, tanks and air forces, etc.
The Sumerians by Charles River Editors
This book speaks of one of the first civilizations to exist in Mesopotamia. They lead the cultural foundations for the cultures that succeeded them (Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc.). They invented writing and operated an extensive system of irrigation. They were mostly governed as city states (or at times an amalgamation of city states).
Have a good week. I will be praying for you all tomorrow on the Feast of the Transfiguration.
fr. Jude
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Ellicott City
July 27, 2024
Peace and Good,
This has been a rather normal week with various doctors appointments (which have gone well) and helping out at the Shrine. I have begun to do some spiritual direction, and I quickly acquired a number of women and men who have asked me to accompany them. This is something that I enjoy doing. It requires an intense listening to the story being presented and a respect for the way which the other interprets reality, but at the same time the courage to challenge the other to see things in a different light. Most people involved in it would not really call it spiritual direction any more, but rather spiritual accompaniment.
I am also accompaning a Bible study group over zoom. This week we looked at the Gospel for tomorrow, which is one of the riches in the entire New Testament. I think this was one of my favorite sessions in all the adult ed I have done over the years.
I have been asked to do a month of reflections for one of our magazines in Assisi. This will be the second time that I do this for them. I write the reflections in English, and they translate them into Italian. This means I am writing for three magazines now, one in Padua, Italy, one in Assisi, Italy, and one in Nairobi, Kenya.
I have finished some reading and listening:
The Five Civilized Tribes by Charles River Editors
This is a presentation of Charles River Editors that seems like the binding of five separate books into one presentation (e.g. there are obvious repetitions throughout the presentation). It deals with the tribes of Native Americans in the Southeast of the US. These are tribes that mostly tried to enculturate, but given their fertile land and the gold found on it, they were pushed out of their ancestral, treaty guaranteed lands during the Jackson administration (certainly a case of ethnic cleansing).
The Mohave Desert by Charles River Editors
This is a short overview of one of the large deserts in the Southwest United States (which includes Death Valley). The book speaks of the geography of the area, its inhabitants (especially the Native Americans), its fauna and flora, and its history in the days of exploration from Spanish times to the American entrance into the area.
The East African Slave Trade by Charles River Editors
This is an outline of the slave trade in the east of Africa, especially by the Arabs who would kidnap (or buy) slaves to carry ivory to the coast, and then sell them as slaves. The entrepot of this activity was the island of Zanzibar, which was a dependent state of Oman. British missionaries fought the trade without great success, but eventually the British government stepped in and stopped it in the late 19th century.
Six Wives by David Starkey
This is a long account of the six wives of Henry VIII. The author especially emphasizes the stories of Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. He also deals at length with the issue of Henry’s first marriage and its dissolution. The account is good and thorough.
John Henry Newman by Philip Bochanski
This was a topic that I wanted to investigate. It is the story of the great Anglican theologian who converted to Catholicism and eventually became a cardinal during the so-called Oxford movement. This is a Learn25 presentation, and the professor gives a good outline of his life, the reasons for his conversion, and his theology. I would recommend the course, even if it might be necessary to listen to some parts more than once to get its full value.
Ax by Ed McBain
The detective books of Ed McBain are definitely dated, but they provide and entertaining narrative about detectives in the big city who have to work out the “who did it.” The language would be considered a bit racist and patriarchal today, but it probably was not the case when the books were first written.
Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Like all of Lapierre’s books that I have read, this is a monumental account of the push for independence of India, dealing with what occurred before, during and shortly after that momentous event. As I read it, I was surprised that one of the heroes of the process was Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy before independence, and the first representative of the British government after. It speaks of the process of gaining independence, but especially of the disastrous consequences of the division of the land between India and Pakistan, with the igniting of dormant religious tensions.
The Battle of Borodino by Charles River Editors
This is a well written account of the invasion of Russia by the Grand Armee of Napoleon. It speaks of the delaying tactics of the Russians and their scorched earth policy which kept the French in Russia much longer than they intended, and how that had disastrous consequences for the army due to the weather, disease, hunger and sniping by the Russian cavalry.
The Battle of Lepanto by Charles River Editors
This is an overall account of the famous naval battle which slowed the advance of the Ottoman forces in the eastern Mediterranean. It was one of the few moments in which Christian forces in Europe agreed to work in tandem. The Ottomans were able to rebuild their fleet quickly, but the battle caused them to be much more cautious in their attempts to extend their naval influence.
Brilliant Blunders by Mario Livio
This book speaks of scientific investigations that proved to be on the wrong track, but nevertheless provided the impetus for others to find the right answers to the mysteries. It deals with physics, genetics, etc.
Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt by Bob Brier
This is a Great Courses 12 lecture course on the pharaohs of Egypt from the first, Narmer, to the last, Cleopatra. The presenter chooses individuals and situations that were unique and important, such as the pharaohs who built the pyramids, those who conquered to the south and east, those who tried to change the religion of the nation, etc.
Notorious London: A City Tour by Paul Deslandes
The is a Great Courses presentation on the strange things that one can find in the city of London. It is an entertaining account of these sites and their history.
Have a good week.
fr. Jude
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Ellicott City
July 20, 2024
Peace and Good,
I hope you are all well.
I have been in Ellicott City these days. I am helping out quite a bit at the Shrine as I get more strength, and I am working on my podcast reflections on the daily readings.
My latest book, Praying for Wisdom Every Day, has been published. I don't have any big writing projects right now, but I am sure something will come along.
I have started doing spiritual direction for people who come to the Shrine. Fr. Gary, the director, asked me if I were open to the idea, and in a few days five people asked me for it. This is something I really like to do.
The weather here is Baltimore has calmed down a lot. It is only in the 80's and not over 100.
I have made plans to travel to South Korea at the end of August. I was the visitator of that province, and they are now getting ready for their provincial chapter, so it is good for me to be there to give them some feedback. Doing reports on countries where the culture is so different is touchy. I make it clear that my observations are coming from a different culture, and also that many of the things I am reporting are not my thoughts but what they said to me.
I finished some reading and listening:
Conviction by Denver and John Nicks
This is the story of a poor African-American farmer in Oklahoma who was framed for a murder that he most probably did not commit. Officials in the state and area tried to railroad him to cover up the corruption that existed in the work release program in the local prison (from which a prisoner probably committed the murders). Thurgood Marshall is the lead attorney from the NAACP who fights the case.
Ancient Gaza by Charles River Editors
This is the story of the region to the southwest of Israel that was originally inhabited by the Philistines and then was conquered by every empire that passed by. The account is not all informative, relying in quoting some of the few references to the area in the Old Testament.
The Industrial Revolution by Patrick Allitt
This is a Great Courses presentation, a rambling account of the birth and growth of the industrial revolution (especially concentrating on Great Britain and the United States). The author is very good and his presentations cover an enormous amount of ground. He deals not only with the mechanical and economic dimensions of the industrial revolution, but also of its impact upon the people involved (workers, owners, people living in the area, etc.).
The Mosquito by Timothy Wineg
This is an account of how the most dangerous animals in the world (for more people are killed by mosquito bites and diseases carried in them than any other animal attack) and how it has interacted with humans throughout their history. The author speaks of the affects of mosquito infestations on a number of wars (including the American Revolution). He speaks of the discovery of the fact that mosquitos are a vector in the transmission of disease. He also speaks of the possibility of controlling their damage through some type of genetic modification.
Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder
This is a tragic account of the lands between the German-Polish border and the Ukrainian-Russian border during the 1930’s and World War II. It speaks of the horrific murders of entire populations first by Stalin (e.g. the Ukrainian famine) and by Hitler (the murder of the Jews, Slavs, Russian prisoners, etc.). Add that to the horrors of World War II (with the systematic attempt of the Nazi’s to kill off many of the Slavs to create land for their people). It is a difficult book to read because it is so painful to read what some humans could do to others.
The History of Ireland by History Nerds
This is a short history of Ireland and its people from pre-historic times up to the modern times. Because it covers such a large scope of time, and it is a relatively short presentation (a couple of hours of material), it is a very quick overview without much detail.
What Science Knows about Cancer by David Sadava
This is a Great Courses course on what cancer is, especially in terms of chemical and genetic foundations, and how it should be treated. The course provides so much, sometimes technical information that I know that I will have to listen to the course once again in the future (but I realize that it is well worth the effort to do that). This course takes more work than many of the Great Courses presentations, but it is well worth it.
DNA by James Watson
This is a book which speaks of the discovery and implications of DNA. The author is one of the discoverers of the double helix configuration of this genetic material. Watson is good at giving a narrative (but sometimes a bit parochial in his outlook). He is not always so good at seeing some of the dangers involved in the manipulation of genetic material (for crops, for animals, and especially for people). For as much as he mouths the dangers of DNA experimentation, he nevertheless seems to devolve into an attitude that if we can, we should.
The Wailing Wind by Tony Hillerman
This is a Tony Hillerman book about detectives on the Navaho nation reservation who must investigate a murder which has something to do with gold mining but also with the protection of a sacred area. The whole series of books are tremendous, and I find myself racing through each of them because they are so well written. This is no exception.
Addicted to Mediocrity by Franky Schaeffer
This is a screed written by an evangelical artist against the tendency to be satisfied with poor art by the Church (accepting it only if it serves for fundraising or proselytism). He argues that the Good God who created the universe in beauty expects us to continue His work in art of all forms. While the message is aimed at his own ecclesial movement, it could be applied to the Catholic Church as well which at times accepts and promotes art and culture which is insipid.
Joyce’s Ulysses by James Heffernan
This is a Great Courses presentation on the famous book by James Joyce called Ulysses. The presenter explains that Joyce loosely based this account of one man’s life in Dublin at the turn of the 20th century upon Homer’s classic account of Ulysses’ return home after the Trojan war. It is a book of incredibly complicated language and plot, and I never wanted to expend the energy to read it. This course gave me the opportunity to know its content without having to do the exhausting work of reading it.
St. Catherine of Siena by Sr. Suzanne Noffke
This is a Learn25 course on the life and writings of Catherine of Siena. The author makes the point that while we think of her as a contemplative, she was most active in the world around her (care for the poor, politics involving even the Pope, city state politics, etc.). She died quite young, but yet left a richness of spiritual insights that had her declared a Doctor of the Church. The presenter does a good job of quoting from Catherine’s own writings without being overly laudatory or pietistic.
Have a great week.
fr. Jude
Friday, July 5, 2024
Ellicott City - Buffalo - Ellicott City
July 5, 2024
Peace and Good,
I am writing this in a sweltering Baltimore, so much so that I am going to be taking my daily walks inside the house.
I got to go up to my hometown of Buffalo to visit family and friends. This is the first time that I have been there in a couple of years. I love the friendlikness of the Buffalonians. The people are great, as is the food. The wweather and job situation could use a bit of work. I noticed at the airport how many people wore some type of clothes that publicized the Buffalo Bills. I don't think there is a city with better fans other than possibly Green Bay.
I am back in Baltimore, working on some small projects and helping out at the Shrine. I enjoy celebrating Mass and listening to confessions there. We are doing the local parishes a great service becuase most of them don't have a lot of hours of confession available. We have two or three confessors on call for an hour before our noonday Mass.
I am in the process of getting my faculties (permission to conduct public ministry) from the Baltimore archdiocese. I have been without faculties from anyone for the past year because I was in recovery, but now I am well enough to help out here and there as needed.
I finished some reading and listening:
FDR: the First Hundred Days by Anthony Badger
This is a balanced book dealing with the attempts of FDR to face the financial crisis of the great depression, especially with a whirlwind effort in the first 100 days of his administration. The author finds middle ground in the account, admitting that some things could have been done better, but also that it was a time of crisis when something significant had to be done immediately. There are still some who argue that FDR’s efforts prolonged the depression, but they tend to argue that the government should never be involved in these things, that the market would correct itself (not thinking of those who were crushed in the mean time).
Theology and Science by Matthew Ogilvie
This is an interesting course from Learn25 on whether one can reconcile the finding of science with theology. He avoids the Galileo affair to deal with more modern topics such as evolution, genetics, eugenics, etc. The professor is well versed in Thomistic theology and science and he shares a number of invaluable insights.
The Spies of Warsaw by Alan Furst
I have read most of the books by Furst. He writes about the period just before World War II and sometimes during the war. His books have covered topics in Parish, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and now Poland. This one deals with a spy for the French who is trying to ferrit out German secrets from agents who pass over the border (a year or so before the war began). He has to deal with a bureaucracy which makes his job all but impossible. It is a must read.
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World by Robert Garland
This is a rather long (48 lectures) and very enjoyable course from the Great Courses that deals with ancient history, but most of all from the perspective of ordinary people (instead of the great names and great dates which are often the main content of histories). The presenter does a fine job of providing ample detail without ever being boring. I would recommend this course even to someone who is only slightly interested in the topic.
The Boxer Rebellion by Charles River Editors
This was a nativist rebellion at the beginning of the 20th century in China. The country had been sadly exploited by a number of imperialist nations as well as by its own corrupt aristocracy. This is a short account, but it does give quite a bit of information (but as usual, from a European perspective).
Central Europe by Richard Hottelet
This is a short presentation of the history of the central European nations throughout their history from prehistoric times to the post-communist era. The book is an overview without a lot of detail, but it is wroth reading.
Modern Scholar: Shakespeare: Ten Great Comedies by Raphael Shargel
This is a course on the comedies of Shakespeare. It is the kind of course that should be accompanied by a reading of the Shakespeare plays. The professor gives some brilliant insights into the action and characters of those plays. It has made me marvel at the insight of this great playwrite.
The Gettysburg Gospel by Gabor Boritt
This is the story of the short address that Lincoln made at the dedication of the cemetery in Gettysburg after the battle during the summer of 1863. While the speech seemed all but insignificant in comparison with the two hour speech provided by the main spokesman, Edward Everett. Yet, over time Lincoln’s address has been recognized as one of the most significant speeches every written.
Agent 110 by Scott Miller
This is the story of the head of the OSS office in Switzerland during the war, Allen Dulles, who would eventually become one of the first directors of the CIA. He was a bit of an amateur who was playing as spy, making some mistakes but also providing valuable information on Germany and the German troops in Italty.
The Waters of Siloe by Thomas Merton
This is a book written by Thoams Merton when he was a young monk in his monastery in Gethsemane. This book was requested by his superiors and it is a quick history of the trappiest movement and an overview of their spirituality. One of the highpoints was the explosion of trappiest vocations right after World War II (partly because of the life changing experience of the war, but also due to the book, the Seven Story Mountain, that Merton had written).
Paper by Marc Kurlansky
Marc Kurlansky has written a series of brilliant books on various topics such as cod and oysters. This volume presents the story of the invention of paper and its manufacture first in Eastern countries, and then throughout Europe. It speaks of the end of the era of parchment and the rise of printing. The cook is very, very interesting.
The Rise of an Empire by Stephen Dando-Collins
This is the story of the career of Themistocles, the hero of Athens, who convinced the people to prepare for the coming Persian invasion by building a massive fleet which was able to defeat the Persians in the battle of Salamis. Ironically, this great hero was eventually rejected by the people of Athens who hated anyone who became too important and therefore presented a danger to the democracy (at least in their own view).
Have a good week and keep cool.
fr. Jude
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Ellicott City
hJune 20
Peace and Good,
Summer has arrived early in Baltimore. Today will hit the 90's. Of course, there is an irony that it is hotter in New England. The climate has been crazy this Spring. Floods, heat, fires, etc. I really believe that while part of the change might be due to natural causes, it is still true that our multiplication of Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere is having a big effect.
I have been in Ellicott City since my last blog. This Saturday I gave a presentation on prayer in St. Anthony at our Shrine. This is a year of prayer in preparation for our Holy Year next year, a year of a pilgrimage of hope. I outlined the ideas presented in St. Anthony's writings concerning how we come to a true prayer life. The talk went well, and at the end I invited whoever wanted to come to the conference room to ask any questions about the faith that they wanted. That was even better. I hope to do this more often in the future.
This Sunday I will fly up to Buffalo to visit family and friends. I decided to fly because it is an 8 hour drive (a bit long for my energy level) and I have tons of frequent flyer miles on Southwest.
I finished a project for our friars in Assisi. They are celebrating the centennial of the stigmata of St. Francis, and they prepared a demonstration based on a document that St. Francis himself wrote right around that time. It is a Praise of the Most High God on one side of a piece of parchment and a blessing for one of the friars on the other.
I had my fourth immunotherapy on Monday. Eight more to go. This does not affect me as much as the chemo and radiation, but there are still some small side-effects (sleep, digestion, etc.).
I finished some reading and listening:
William Wallace by History Nerds
This is the story of the famous Scottish hero who was portrayed in the film Braveheart by Mel Gibson. Admittedly, there are gaps in information given to the lack of documents in this era (which tended to be produced by monasteries, and also by the victors in the various battles).
The Persian Invasion of Greece by Arthur Keaveney
This is an overview of the relationship between Greece and Persia, between the West and the East over centuries from the golden age of Greece to the time of Alexander the Great. While not exhaustive, the book is well done and gives a very good outline of the various events.
Sea Monsters: A History of Creatures from the Haunted Deep in Legend and Lore by Charles River Editors
This is a short overview of many of the accounts of sightings of sea creatures. Most of the book is first hand accounts which tend to be repetitive and not all that informative. The author does speak a bit about scientific theories of what is being seen, but that part of the treatment is relatively light.+
The Incas: Inside an American Empire by Terence D’Altroy
This is a tremendous course from Modern Scholar on the Inca people. The professor presents an overview of their history, a treatment of their religious beliefs, a sociological presentation on their culture, a study of their architecture, agriculture, etc. This is a topic of which I knew relatively little, and I feel fully rewarded in having listened to this course.
Seven Skeletons by Lydia Payne
This is the account of various archeological finds of human skeletons and how they influenced the public’s attitude toward archaeology and evolution. These include Lucy, Peking Man, Hobbit, etc. The account is presented in a light manner to the scientific element of the account is not overwhelming.
The Napoleonic Wars by History Nerds
This is just a short outline of the rise and fall of Napoleon and the various alliances he formed and battles he fought. The account recognizes his military genius, but also his cruel indifference to the sufferings of the people who were victims to his overwhelming ambition and pride.
Pilgrims and Puritans 1620-1676 by Christopher and James Lawrence Collier
This is an account of the arrival of the Pilgrims (religious exiles from England) and the Puritans (a group more Calvinistic in their approach of state and religion). They wanted to build a heavenly Jerusalem on the earth. Some of what they did was laudatory, some of it not so much. They were incredibly judgmental and cruel to religious dissidents (which is odd considering that they, themselves, were fleeing religious persecution). They did not always have a good relationship with native Americans.
Blessed Fr. Solanus Casey: An Inspiration for Our Faith by Dan Crosby
This is a learn25 course on the life of Blessed Solanus Casey, a Capuchin from the mid-west who was beloved by the people whom he served. He was famous for being willing to listen to anyone’s problems and offer spiritual advise, he helped to feed the poor, and he was responsible for many, many miraculous events throughout his life.
Living History: Experiencing Great Events of the Ancient World by Robert Garland
This is a Teaching Company course on individual events in ancient history from various nations around the world. The professor is entertaining, and the 24 lessons seemed to be too little given the talent of story telling that Garland has.
Lotharingia by Simon Winder
This is an interesting book that is difficult to classify. It deals with the portion of Europe that makes up Eastern France and Western Germany along with the territories in between. It is part travelogue, part history book, part a reader on the local cultures in this area. This is one of three volumes written in a similar genre (the others being Danubia and Germania). I enjoyed the book, even in the author’s ramblings which at times wandered here and there.
C.S. Lewis: Christology and Cosmology by David Fagerberg
This Learn25 course goes through the various writings of C.S. Lewis, especially his Narnia volumes, and describes the Christology contained therein. I cannot say that I am that interested in reading the Narnia cycle, but this short course provided me with the information I need to know what it is all about. The professor is extremely well informed about Lewis’ writings, and about their deeper theological significance.
The Louvre by Charles River Editors
This is a short history of the famous Parisian Museum. It began as a royal palace, but over the years evolved into a center for the collection of artworks of the royal family, and then as a museum open to all. The account speaks of its various collections of sculpture, paintings and prints and other documents.
Have a good week.
fr. Jude
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