October 5, 2009
Peace and Good,
I am sorry that I missed last weeks blog, the week just slipped away from me.
I am in San Diego right now. This is my third week here. The first week I filled in for a priest friend of mine while he and the other priests of San Diego were on their annual convocation. They all gather with the bishop for presentations, time together, etc. I presented the material a few years ago and I was very impressed at their camaraderie and holiness. I was on Coronado. That island is just about the most beautiful place on earth. It is just off of San Diego, but it has the feel of an old time neighborhood. Many of the people walk or ride their bikes to Mass. I celebrated the morning Masses and as always, I offered myself for confessions after Mass. The first day there was a line of a half hour, each other day it was an hour. It was great. I am always so renewed when I listen to confessions.
Last week I was giving a mission at the Parish of the Immaculata at the campus of the University of San Diego. The Church is one of the most beautiful Churches I have ever seen. It is done in the Spanish Moorish style. It is a free standing parish (not the university chaplaincy). we have a good turn out, and I was very pleased at the reaction to the talks. The theme was Mary, the source of our joy, and I spoke on the various passages in the New Testament that speak of Mary.
I finished one book: Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I by John S.D. Eisenhower (the son of the president). It was a good presentation, although at times he got bogged down in details about this regiment or that brigade.
Right now I am at a parish in San Marcos, north of San Diego. I'll write about it next week.
Please keep a lady named Maria Theresa in your prayers. She is suffering from cancer.
fr. Jude

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