May 24, 2009
Peace and Good,
This past week I was at St. Paul's Parish in Kensington, CT (Hartford diocese). The theme, of course, was the Letters of St. Paul. We did this mission a little differently than the others that I have done. The morning and evening sessions were different topics. In the morning, we looked at the Acts of the Apostles (with coffee and pastries). In the evening, we looked at the Letters of St. Paul. The talks were complementary, but one did not have to attend one to appreciate the other. I think it worked out very well, and was pleased with the turn out.
The confessions on Monday (remember, I listen to confessions each afternoon during a mission) were light and I thought that maybe everyone had gone during Lent and after Easter. Then Tuesday came and the lines were as long as they normally are. I truly enjoy this part of my ministry, especially when I can be there for someone who might have been afraid to go to confession to their local priests (not because they are not welcoming, but because they know them too well).
I received a great new idea from one of the ladies who attended. She was talking about how her children feel that they are religious and that they pray, but they do not go to Church. She told them that when they call on the phone, she is very happy. But, when they come to visit, she is even happier. I love these down to earth examples because I feel that they really speak to hearts better than theological arguments.
I finished another book: Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose. It is the story of the Lewis and Clark exploration. Ambrose has been accused of plagiarism ( charge which he admitted). He is nevertheless a good, entertaining history writer. I enjoyed the chronicle of the courageous trip these explorers made. There is a bit of a tragedy in the story as well. It seems that Lewis might have suffered from bi-polar disorder. He killed himself only a few years after his trip of discovery. As I said last week or the week before, I feel so badly for those who suffer from mental illness and their families. It is such a difficult cross to carry.
I will be home in Ellicott City this week. This coming weekend I will be travelling down to Virginia Beach to perform the wedding of my nephew Brian. Please keep him and his bride to be, Sarah, in your prayers.
fr. Jude

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